
General Access

₦12,000 | U$D8*   Early Bird 

₦15,000 | U$D10 Regular Price 

*Limited time offer
  • Access to all speaking sessions at Conference and Exhibition Access
  • Snacks and Drinks Daily to all General Access (GA) Ticket Holders
  • 1 Month HMO Insurance Policy cover courtesy Octamile
  • All GA Ticketholders will receive a collectible NFTLAG Ticket Stub
  • Access to Awards and Concert Events

+ Sub Perks for NFT Creators

    • GA Ticketholders NFT Displayed on Screen alongside other creators at Main Event Ground
    • Profile and ‘X’ link included in Featured Artists section on our Website.
    • Automatic inclusion into Influeart ABC (Art Business Club) an Invite Only Membership enrollment waitlist

Diamond Hand

₦25,000 | U$D17*   Early Bird 

₦30,000 | U$D20 Regular Price 

*Limited time offer
  • Access to all speaking sessions at Conference and Exhibition Access
  • Special Lunch Pack and Drink Daily to all Diamond Hand Pass holders
  • Access to Awards, Concert Events and VIP Closing party.
  • NFTLAG Premier Auction Lot Listing Placement: submit NFT for lot consideration if it meets auction criteria it will be listed for final bidding.
  • Holders receive Artwork Valuations & Ratings Certification moderated by ODBK
  • Art insurance all risk minimum insured sum for the value of $200 (Applicable to Phygital NFT Only) for qualified auction lots courtesy Influeart/Octamile
  • 2 Month HMO Insurance Policy cover courtesy Octamile
  • All Diamond Hand Pass holders will receive a collectible NFTLAG Diamond Hand Stub
  • Access to attend Special After Party

+ Sub Perks for NFT Creators

    • Diamond Hand Pass holders NFT Displayed on Mega Screen alongside other creators at Main Event Ground
    • Profile and ‘X’ link included in Featured Artists section on our Website.
    • Automatic Membership Influeart’s ABC (Art Business Club) 6months Verified, No-waitlist


₦125,000 | U$D84*   Early Bird 

₦150,000 | U$D100 Regular Price 

*Limited time offer
  • Exclusive Invitation to NFTLAG VIP & Speaker Dinner Event *RSVP required limited seats. Holds September 18th (evening before main event)
  • Daily VIP Lunch and Lounge Networking with key sponsor brand and organizer personnel and notable personalities from the mainstream and web3 sector.
  • Priority Access and Seating by Main Stage
  • NFTLAG Premier Auction Lot Listing Placement: submit NFT for lot consideration if it meets auction criteria it will be listed for final bidding.
  • Holders receive Artwork Valuations & Ratings Certification moderated by ODBK
  • Art insurance all risk minimum insured sum for the value of $600 (Applicable to Phygital NFT Only) for qualified auction lots courtesy Influeart/Octamile
  • 6 Month HMO Insurance Policy cover courtesy Octamile
  • All VIP Access Ticketholders will receive a collectible NFTLAG VIP Ticket Stub
  • VIP Access to Awards, Concert Events and VIP Closing party.

+ Sub Perks for NFT Creators

    • Priority Placement: NFT included in our ads displayed on International Billboards in key cities across the globe (spots are limited, on first come basis)
    • VIP Access Ticketholders NFT Displayed on Mega Screen alongside other creators at Main Event Ground
    • Profile and ‘X’ link included in Featured Artists section on our Website.
    • Automatic Membership Influeart’s ABC (Art Business Club) 1Year Verified, No-waitlist


Early Bird price available on limited quantities.
Ends July 26th (or while stock last).

Registration Details

NFT Submission: After purchasing Tickets/pass creators desirous to exhibit or feature their works in either exhibitions or auctions (corresponding to ticket type) must forward their Ticket/Pass QR Code to with the subject “Art Entry” for immediate processing. Registration closes on August 16th.

Event Admission: All attendees must come along with their Digital Ticket/QR Code to scan in and gain access to venue daily.

Panel Speakers: Speakers must present valid photo ID at the ticketing points within the venue to collect their speaker badges.

Event and media schedules, will be publicized on August 5th. As well as designated event locations.